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The question everyone asks us: Is Wix Good for SEO?

There is no simple yes-or-no answer! It depends on what your needs and goals are with your website. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use site builder that can walk you through the steps for getting verified in Google Search Console, indexed in Google’s search results, and guide you through the basic optimization strategies for your pages, Wix can be a fantastic option for you.  If you have more sophisticated needs when it comes to the scope and scalability of your website and SEO efforts, there may be a more suitable alternative.


Have questions for us about Wix SEO? You can contact us here
We’ll be keeping you updated with our tips and insights on our blog page.


10 Wix SEO Questions We Can Help You Answer:


Will wix get me verified in Gsc?

If you are a premium user, this could not be easier. Wix has an ‘SEO’ Wiz tool that will guide you through this step by step with no need to actually touch meta tags or your site’s code. If you are a free user, you will need to set your domain up within GSC, grab the meta tag, open up the Advanced SEO settings within Wix, and click to manually add header code to your site.


How can I speed up my wix site for improved performance?

Wix offers a caching option which you can set for each page within the caching settings. Optimizing your images and limiting the number of custom fonts on your page can also help.


Can i nofollow links in wix?

What's a nofollowed link? How do I set these up in Wix? No problem, you can do this is in Wix and we'll teach you how. 


How can i change canonical tags?

What a coincidence, we wrote a guide on this! It will break down what canonical URLs are, when and how to use them, and how to set them up in Wix. Note that this can be done for pages but not posts at this time. 


Can I noindex pages?

You sure can! We'll cover what a noindex tag is, the best practices and common problems with them, plus how to set them up in Wix! Note that this can be done for pages but not posts at this time.


Why is my title tag or content not showing up in the source code?

This is a tricky one! Click learn more to read about Wix's server-side rendering. It's only a three-minute read. 


Can i add a favicon?

Are you a premium user? If not, unfortunately you can't. If you are, read our guide on this below.


What's the best way to Link internally?

Unsure how to best leverage internal linking? Learn about the best practices for internal linking, how it ties into site structure, the importance of internally linking from the main content, and so much more! 


Can i set up 301 redirects in wix?

Yes, and we'll teach you how. But first, read about why you should 301 redirect and make sure you're using it properly for your site. 


what's the best way to optimize images?

Before you ask, yes, you should optimize your images not just for site speed but also for image search! We will go over best practices and a step-by-step process on how to do it below. 

Who are the Wix SEO Lovers?

The Wix SEO Lovers are the team at Marie Haynes Consulting based out of Ottawa, Canada. They are an SEO agency specializing in site quality. They work with clients to improve site quality through site assessments, link audits and manual action removals. They also have a weekly newsletter concerning everything happening in the industry and beneficial tips and tools. Read more about MHC and meet our team here. 

The Wix SEO Competition is an SEO competition created by Wix. The premise of the competition is to have two teams, the Wix SEO Lovers, and the Wix SEO Haters compete to rank for the term "Wix SEO". The catch? The Haters can use any website platform, but the Lovers must use Wix. The competition began in August 2019 and ends in December 2019. 

What is the Wix SEO Competition?

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